Saturday, March 19, 2011

The LPGA is Alive!

What a joy to watch the RR Donnelley LPGA Founders Cup held in Phoenix. Today was a great tribute to those 13 women who had the vision to create and grow the LPGA into the Global sport that it is today. How wonderful to see the youngsters paying tribute to Shirley Spork, Louise Suggs and Marilynn Smith. A real lesson in respect for the game and for the pioneers who have paved the way for these young women to reap the benefits of today's purses and endorsements.

In my career I have had the good fortune to actually play with Shirley Spork, Marilynn Smith and Patty Berg. In fact, I even attended a Dallas Cowboys football game with Marilynn Smith. What a thrill and what great ladies indeed.

I was very impressed with Commissioner Whan's interview and how adamant he is to bring this tour back to it's rightful place in the golf world with 30 to 33 tournaments being held annually by the 2012 - 2013 season. He has an enthusiasm and a genuine concern about the LPGA and it's stars, past and present. Mr. Whan has proven to be one of the best commissioners the LPGA has seen in many years.

How refreshing to hear the tour players say that the best advice they ever received as a junior golfer was to have fun, play by feel and to not get bogged down in mechanics. Hallelujah! Yes, let's get back to the PLAY of golf and to engage in an activity that brings joy. We all need to golf our ball rather than playing golf mechanics while out on the course. My motto is Hit it, Hunt It, Hole It...repeat until the round is complete. If you have fun first...good golf will follow.

To learn more about the LPGA Founders please visit:

Keep Swinging!


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