Monday, June 16, 2008

The Winner Is...

Rocco matter what happens over the last two holes in the 2008 U.S. Open playoff round this guy is THE MAN and the champion of demeanor.

He's playing for the pure love of the game and is appreciating every opportunity that comes his way. What a breath of fresh air...smiling, laughing and pure joy. I'm a fan.

As for his fellow competitor...quit acting like a three year old. Shame on you for throwing your golf club not once but twice on the 72nd hole only to then birdie the hole and end up in the playoff. Is that the type of sportsmanship...excuse me...lack thereof...that you wish to teach your daughter and the thousands of youngsters who look up to you? You have a responsibility to everyone to be professional and to be gracious in victory and in disappointment.

It's not enough to be the best with all the records in the world if you alienate the fan base just because you were too immature to handle the good and the bad.

Let's hear it for the middle age guy having fun...Rocco On!

Keep Swinging!


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