Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Integrity is Alive!

I could not be a prouder coach tonight. Nick Mc"Golf"...you rock.

It is a rare find indeed...A human being in today's world of "It's All About Me", who will take responsibility for their actions and admit that they have made a mistake.

In this case, Mr. Nick, 14 years old, stepped up there with the best of them (Roberto di Vincenzo and Jackie Pung for starters) and disqualified himself from a state tournament as he realized that he had signed an incorrect scorecard. No one but Nick knew, yet this young man had the right stuff to admit the mistake and to take the necessary actions to right the wrong. Kudos to his parents for instilling all the right morals in him that allowed Nick to rise above the importance of winning to reach the pinnacle of professionalism...at just 14!

That's what I love about the game of golf...it is a venue that will challenge your skill, your spirit, your determination and your integrity all in one sweet package. You can learn SO much about people and how they respect...or disrespect...the rules of the game and react to disappointment.

I have suggested on more than one occasion that golf is a barometer that truly measures a persons soul. Thinking about going into business with someone or how about the ultimate commitment of marriage? Play golf with the individual before signing on the dotted line or saying "I Do" and you will have a peak through the window of who they really are as a human being.

Nick has learned a lesson himself and has taught an invaluable lesson to many. In ten years, the scores from the tournament Nick DQ'd himself from will be forgotten...the moment of integrity upheld by a 14 year old playing a game of golf will always be remembered.

Keep Swinging!



golfer101 said...

so true. way to go nick

Unknown said...

His parents should be so proud. What a mature and great thing to do. He's handled this in the way that the pros do! Thanks for writing about this Jane.