Thursday, June 12, 2008

Come On Lefty


It's your time Mr. M and it's on your turf.

So let's put that Johnny Depp swashbuckling mentality in neutral for four days and go win a U.S. Open. Who cares that the statistics say that trees are 90% air...go for the BIG opening...stay in play on the fairways and that gives you 100% air to play with. I like that extra 10% myself.

I know you are a betting man so make an informed decision when taking those risks and bet the purse on being smart...just like all those students that you and your wife are offering math and science scholarships to.

One more thing...beware of an injured Tiger. Animal instinct may kick in so don't be lured into that den of excuses. Stay ahead of his reach at all times.

Remember that unless you are the lead dog, the view never changes.

Enjoy the view's your time.

Keep Swinging!


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