Sunday, December 31, 2000

Great Week For LPGA

As a fan of Golf, I thought the LPGA aced the RR Donnelly Founders Cup. What a great venue for crowd participation and the competition was very exciting. Congratulations to Karrie Webb for showing the youngsters a thing or two about winning. I think she gets classier every year.

Seemed as if the players were relaxed and very approachable throughout the week. The various highlights they did about the players, past and present, was very interesting and I think helps the image and brand of the LPGA.

Charity was the ultimate winner with much support being given to the relief efforts in Japan. May the country heal quickly.

One other great bit of news from the LPGA tonight. This was a Tweet, yes I'm on Twitter now @JaneFrostGolf:

From Annika:

"SURPRISE! I went into labor today & William Nicholas McGee was born at 6:33 PM. I'm well. Will is hanging in there fine for being 27 weeks."

Congratulations to Annika and her family at this joyous time. May good health rule for Mother and Son.

Keep Swinging!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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